Legal terms
ROADRUNNER TRAVEL accepts bookings subject to the following Booking Conditions. A ‘Client’ is all persons named on the booking form intending to travel with ROADRUNNER TRAVEL. A’product’ is any service sold by ROADRUNNER TRAVEL All Client will be deemed to have read,understood and acceepted all Booking Conditions.To confirm a booking ROADRUNNER TRAVEL requires that the agant has taken full payment of all monies due. A contract between the Client and ROADRUNNER TRAVEL comes into existence when ROADRUNNER TRAVEL has confirmed the booking in writing and issued a confirmation. The person signing the booking form (that incorporates these terms and conditions) warrants that she/he has full authority to do so on behalf of all persons whose names appear thereon, and confirms that all such persons are fully aware of and understand these terms and conditions. The said contract, including all matters rising from it , is subject to Turkish Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Turkish Courts. No employees or representatives of ROADRUNNER TRAVEL has any right to alter, vary or waive any of these terms and conditions, not to undertake any liability whatsoever on behalf of ROADRUNNER TRAVEL, unless such be in writing and signed by the Director of ROADRUNNER TRAVEL. ROADRUNNER TRAVEL reserves the right to decline any booking at their discretion without further explanation.
INFORMATION AND PRICING POLICY: Before a booking is confirmed, ROADRUNNER TRAVEL reserves the right to amend brochure prices due to any circumstances outside the control of ROADRUNNER TRAVEL such as but not limited to changes relating to governmental action, increases in transportation costs (including schedule airfares and the cost of fuel) changes in any dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services (including landing taxes or embarkation / disembarkation fees at airports ), increases in admission fees. Bank transfers are accepted as the full amount payable as published. ROADRUNNER TRAVEL only accepts Credit Card payments in Turkish Lira (TL). The full amount payable in Turkish Lira is calculated by taking the daily buying exchange rate on the date of sale multiplied by the full amount published and payable. The said exchange rate can be found at Your bank will use their exchange rate when charging your Credit Card for the amount of Turkish Lira that was withdrawn by ROADRUNNER TRAVEL, product information is published by ROADRUNNER TRAVEL in good faith and ROADRUNNER TRAVEL will use its best endeavors to operate all Products as advertised. ROADRUNNER TRAVEL reserves the right to change any of the facilities and services described in its publications and to substitute alternative arrangements of comparable monetary value without compensation and accepts no liability for loss of enjoyment resulting from any change.(We can change the order of the program in order to subserve the client by making the trip more comfortable or for reasons of airfares rates or its availiability on the date chosen by the client or for any other reason out our control without previous notice)
VISAS AND DOCUMENTATION: Each traveler must have a valid passport with at least 6 months minimum remaining on validity. The traveler is responsible for obtaining information about entry requirements and the necessary visas to enter the countries to which they are travelling.
TIP & TAXES: Tips to guides, drivers, hotel staff etc are not included in package costs and are at your own discretion. Additional taxes, security charges or any other fees collected by governments, airports, airlines and other entities are not included unless specifically listed as included features.
CANCELLATION: Clients can cancel at any time. The cancellation will be effected at the time that ROADRUNNER TRAVEL receives a written reguest from the Agent or for direct bookings from the Client, and the following cancellation charges will apply.
a. More than 42 days prior to departure – 10% of the product cost or 50€, whichever is higher.
b. 29 to 42 days prior to departure 25% of the product cost or 50€, whichever is higher.
c. 14 to 28 days prior to departure 50% of the product cast or 50€, whichever is higher.
d. 0 to 13 days prior to departure –no refund is given.
e. No refund is given for a partially used Product.
After the booking has been confirmed proposed amendments must be written by ‘Lead Client’ and will incur an administration fee of equivalent 40€ except for the first change that will incur no fee. No requested change can be guaranteed. If any number of the party is prevented from travelling because of death, injury or serious illness of the client, close relative or friend, redundancy or jury service, it may be possible to transfer the booking to another suitable person or deperture date or tour of similar standard and cost provided that written notice is confirmed by
If a refund is payable by ROADRUNNER TRAVEL to the Client , the refund amaunt will be calculated according to the conditions set out under Cancellation Section and with consideration of evidence of exceptional circumstances. ROADRUNNER TRAVEL will not pay fees charged to the Client by the Client’s bank for processing the credited amount.
MINIMUM NUMBER PRODUCTS: Minimum Number Products are all Products that are not listed as Guaranteed Departure Products. If there are not enough Clients booked on a Minumum Number Product that is cancelled for that reason, ROADRUNNER TRAVEL will inform the Client or Client’s Agent. In such a case the Client is given the free of charge option of changing to an alternative date or Product of comparable value or upgrading to another tour or a refund of all monies paid. In this case, ROADRUNNER TRAVEL will use their best endeavors to find a suitable alternative.
GULLET CRUISES: The departure date of a gulet cruise may not be changed within 72 hours of departure. In such a case the Client is given the free of charge option of changing to an alternavite date or Product of comparable value or upgrading to another tour or a refund of all monies paid.
RESPONSIBLTES AND LIABLITY: The responsibility of ROADRUNNER TRAVEL and/or its agents is limited. ROADRUNNER TRAVEL and its agents act only as agents for passenger in regards to travel whether by air, railroad, motor coach or any other conveyance and assumes no defect, through the acts or defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying members or in carrying out the arrangements of the tour, or as a direct or indirect result of acts of God , dangers incident in the sea, or air, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, acts of governments or other authorities, de jure or de facto wars, whether declared or not, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, theft, pilferage, epidemics, quarantines, medical or customs regulations or from any other causes.
NOT INCLUDED IN RATES: The following is a list of some major items not included in the rates: room service charges, items not on portions of menus reserved for ROADRUNNER TRAVEL passengers, laundry, beverages , alcoholic and otherwise, items of a personal nature, airport departure taxes and any other items not specifically listing in the package rate includes section.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Payment of final balance towards the reserved package / services is due thirty (30) days in advence of arrival, regardless of when reservations are made. Credit cards are accepted,
ROADRUNNER TRAVEL can accept no responsibilities for loss or additional expenses to travelers due to delay or changes in schedule. Tour services included but not limited to guide services, hotel accommodations, meals and other services are furnished by third parties who are independent and do not act for or on behalf of ROADRUNNER TRAVEL and with whom ROADRUNNER TRAVEL has no relationship as joint venture or otherwise. Therefore ROADRUNNER TRAVEL shall not be liable or respsonsible in any way whatsoever for inconvenience, loss, damage or injury arising out of or in connection with such tour services, whether same shall be the result of changes in hotel accommodations, food, baggage handling, tour guiding or any other matter related thereto. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the traveler. Each passenger waives any claim against ROADRUNNER TRAVEL for any delay, inconvenience or damage, loss of property or baggage or injury to or death of persons due to the acts or omissions of said third parties. Any airline/ transportation company concerned is not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not aboard their aircraft or conveyances.
Any deposit received by ROADRUNNER TRAVEL towards a confirmed travel package or travel service constitutes full knowledge and acceptance of all terms and conditions.Each person making reservations for or participating in tours and agrees to all terms, conditions and limitations set forth herein.
ROADRUNNER TRAVEL further reserves the right at any time to change any part of the itinerary, or the carrier, or the aircraft/ mode of transport utilized, or hotel accommodations utilized, or any other service due to circumstances beyond their control.